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How Can Chiropractic Treatment Help Text Neck?

Written By Amplify Chiropractic and Wellness on November 1, 2022

Neck Pain

“Text neck” is an inevitable consequence of our reliance on technology. Consistently keeping your head down and forward while using your computer or phone quickly leads to this modern-day problem. 

If you’re suffering from text neck symptoms, MoveWell has the remedy. Our resident chiropractor, Dr. Jason Wolstenholme, is well-versed in complex medical problems, having worked for more than 18 years in a trauma center and as an EMT. As an athlete, he’s had his fair share of injuries, so he boasts a deep level of empathy with patients to match his well-rounded skills. 

Neck Pain Treatment and Causes 

With the rampant use of digital devices, we’re seeing a growing increase of text neck syndrome in teenagers and children, as well as adults. It’s hard to detach, even when it does a number on our bodies, as we’re more and more reliant on technology for work, studies, social life, and entertainment. Especially during long Vermont winters, it’s challenging to stay off the internet while we’re cooped up inside. 

Using our tech apparatuses consistently is okay, but it’s vital to step back and assess what it’s doing to our bodies before it becomes a real problem. Slumping over your phone or computer for long periods of time causes: 

  • Neck and shoulder pain 
  • Headaches 
  • Visual strain
  • Fatigue

To counter these symptoms, we offer a digital posture screening to discover your exact areas of concern. This way, we can personalize your neck pain treatment to maximize your results. Always keeping our patients at the forefront of our business, we’ll listen to your needs to deliver a tailored and enjoyable experience up to your standards. 

To keep track of your progress, we’ll measure postural improvements throughout the process. You’ll be amazed at your body’s ability to improve, without the need to ditch your devices. 

Schedule an Appointment for Neck Pain Treatment 

MoveWell has been easing pain and fixing postures for the Burlington/Williston community for more than 12 years. Get yourself on the road to better posture today through our customized neck pain treatment. Schedule an appointment with us at MoveWell by calling (802) 497-1002. 


Posted In: Chiropractor Neck Pain